Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

Procedure Text

How To Make a Weci

·        Ingridients :
ü  2 seeds of garlic
ü  ¼ flour
ü  1 packet of sprouts
ü  1 carrot
ü  1 cabbage
ü  other seasonings

   Steps to make a weci
1.      Cut carrots into small pieces and long shapes.

2.      Cut the cabbage into small pieces.

3.      Cut the celery and chives into small pieces.

4.      Puree the peeled garlic.

5.      Mix all the small pieces together, then wash thoroughly

6.      Then, add a little water and mix the other seasonings
7.   Mix enough flour and stir until it is thick.
8.      Fry it using the appropriate mold.

9.      After that, drain and weci ready to be served. weci can be enjoyed by eating using chili.

·         Ekplanation Text
Weci is a regional specialty from Indonesia. This weci is a concave round food. This food is dominant with vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, and sprouts. This weci is usually served during cold weather. here, will explain the process of making Weci.

First, cut ingredients such as cabbage, carrots, celery, chives, into small pieces. then, make one with sprouts and wash with clean water. after that, give a little water and mix with other seasonings. to thicken, mix with enough flour. then, fry using a mold with hot oil. The cooked wych with brownish color is ready to be served.

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

English Task - Create a dialogue about Corona Virus.

English Task – Create a dialogue about Corona Virus

Mr.Ricky         : Good Morning, Mrs. Is this Asia Hospital?
Receptionist    : Good Morning, Mr. Sure, this is Asia Hospital. Can i help you?
Mr.Ricky         : I have been feeling unwell for the past few days. I am afraid if I have a   
                          corona virus that is epidemic. So, I want to get checked by myself.
Receptionist    : Sorry,  you must have a doctor's appointment if you want to do a test or
Mr.Ricky         : So, can you make an appointment with the doctor for me?
Receptionist    : There is only doctor Brian who can ask to meet and consult. But, you have to
                          come back here tonight at 07:00 p.m
Mr.Ricky         : Oke, can I book a room for a place where I will be checked and tested?
Receptionis     : Sure, can you tell me your full name? and what is your telephone number?
Mr.Ricky         : My full name is Ricky Ardianto. My phone number is 085678908765.
Receptionist    : Oke, Mr. You can come back here tonight. I hope you wil be fine.
Mr.Ricky         : Thanks, i hope so. Bye, Mrs.
Receptionist    : Bye, Mr.Ricky.
Mr.Ricky         : Good Night, doctor Brian!
Doctor             : Good Night. Are you Ricky who made an appointment this morning?
Mr.Ricky         : That’s right. So, here I want to consult with the symptoms that I experienced
                           a few days. I'm afraid I'm hit by a corona virus.
Doctor             : Can you tell me what symptoms do you feel?
Mr.Ricky         : My body temperature has gone down, I have a cold, my throat hurts a little.
Doctor             : Please, allow me to check your body temperature.
Mr.Ricky         : Sure.

Doctor             : Your body temperature is below 38. for people who are positive for corona
                          virus. His body temperature can be above 38. So you are just a common cold
                          and need adequate rest.
Mr.Ricky         : I am glad to hear it. Doctor, so am i negatively affected by the corona virus?
Doctor             : Alright. You also have to maintain good health and wash your hands after                           every activity.
Mr.Ricky         : Thank you, doctor. So, i wanna go home. I hope you are always healthy.
Doctor             : Your welcome, I hope you too.
Mr.Ricky         : Good Night!
Doctor             : Good Night!

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Personal Letter.

Dear Brian

How are you friend? i hope you are well. It's been a long time no see since you moved to Australia for representing your country as an environmentally friendly ambassador.

I heard that you managed to cut down the plastic waste pollution in your country with a work project that you created yourself. The plastic waste problem is certainly the most common porblem in other countries. The presence of plastic waste makes the neighborhood look dirty and clogs the river, which causes floods. Not only that, plastic is extremely biodegradable.

So, i am proud of you become at this young age you have managed to become a ward ambassador and have been sent to other countries to give training. I wish you'd hurry back and bring honor to your family and an exception to your home country.


Mutiara Putri Melati

Explanation text

How Does Rain Happen?

Rain is the ultimate source of fresh water for most areas of the world, to provide suitable conditions for diserve ecosystem furthermore water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. 

The phenomenon of rain is frequenty a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the earth's surface water to evaporate. The water vapor a rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and changes into liquid droplets. The droplets grom until they are heavy and reach to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow. However, ot all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert region.

Cause and Effect.

Cause and Effect of Air Pollution

 Air pollution is one of the big problem in several countries, especially Indonesia. Many causes and effect are not realized by many people. Even, some people can increase air pollution by some daily activities that they are not aware of
A lot of people use fuel  without thinking about future impacts. In our country, fuel consumption is increasing and air pollution is increasingly strong. Air pollution is the result of rampant burning of garbage, smoke coming out from vehicles, factory smoke producing everyday, etc.

The impact of air pollution is that eact day is getting warmer and more people are getting asthma. With that impact we should have to replace those fuels with alternatives like solar heat, electric motors, etc. Therefore, we must keep our surroundings clean and cool. 

So, with that kind of power we must be good at using things around us to reduce fuel. With increasingly envolving technology, there will definitely be new innovations that emerge if we try to learn them.